About #OldisBeautiful
The ageist view that beauty is limited to youth is harmful to older people and society more broadly. It devalues and socially isolates older people, erodes their health and wellbeing, and robs those who are not yet old of an optimistic ageing pathway. In response to this issue, the #OldisBeautiful project offers workshops/discussion with older people to combat internalised ageism and document their portraits and messages about beautiful. The black and white portraits of older people, and their messages are shared to help combat ageism in the community.
Thankyou to Elder Rights Advocacy Victoria for supporting the Victorian pilot and launch, with the distribution of one of the portraits around the city. Media release here. Report on the pilot coming soon.
Thankyou to Elder Rights Advocacy Victoria for supporting the Victorian pilot and launch, with the distribution of one of the portraits around the city. Media release here. Report on the pilot coming soon.
How to participate: The #OldisBeautiful Kit
The #OldisBeautiful Kit has been developed for service providers, groups and community leaders to host an #OldisBeautiful workshop or discussion. It includes a 12 month license, step by step instructions, downloadable resources, ppt and video - all facilitators need to host a workshop or discussion. For a detailed overview of the Kit, click here or go directly to our Thinkific platform here. A small licensing fee ($440) helps Celebrate Ageing Ltd (a charity) cover the cost of developing and maintaining this and other Kits to build respect for older people.
Award winning photographer Suzanne Phoenix can attend your #OldisBeautiful workshop/discussion in Victoria to take portraits of participants. Check flyer here and below. In response to requests, a licence option has been added - for use of workshop portraits as stock images (subject to participants permission).
Award winning photographer Suzanne Phoenix can attend your #OldisBeautiful workshop/discussion in Victoria to take portraits of participants. Check flyer here and below. In response to requests, a licence option has been added - for use of workshop portraits as stock images (subject to participants permission).
The #OldisBeautiful Gallery
Thankyou to everyone who shared portraits from their workshops and discussions - and we are delighted to announce that the project has now gone global. Thanks also to our Patrons and Icons. Check the gallery below.
Patrons and Icons
Thankyou to the following Patrons and Icons who have shared their portraits and messages about what makes them beautiful.
Thankyou to the following Patrons and Icons who have shared their portraits and messages about what makes them beautiful.
Aunty Sherree Francis: Beautiful is the inner strength we have. We worked hard to get here, the journey has not been easy.
Michelle Trebilco (Patron, Victoria) Beautiful means being happy, healthy, individual and imperfect.
Kathy Mansfield
Twinagers, Canada
Thanks to Twinagers, the #OldisBeautiful project has reached Canada. Check their instagram here
Thanks to Twinagers, the #OldisBeautiful project has reached Canada. Check their instagram here
Aunty Sherree Francis
100 posters of Wurundjeri Elder, Aunty Sherree Francis were installed around Melbourne on #IDOP2023 by Plakkit. We are grateful to Aunty for sharing her insights on being an Elder. Thanks also to Elder Rights Advocacy for supporting this important initiative and Suzanne Phoenix for the powerful photograph. See Media Release here and quote from Aunty Sherree below.
100 posters of Wurundjeri Elder, Aunty Sherree Francis were installed around Melbourne on #IDOP2023 by Plakkit. We are grateful to Aunty for sharing her insights on being an Elder. Thanks also to Elder Rights Advocacy for supporting this important initiative and Suzanne Phoenix for the powerful photograph. See Media Release here and quote from Aunty Sherree below.
"When you become older you appreciate who you are with much more authenticity. This is me it says. I am a First Nation Elder with wisdom and knowledge to share with the younger generations. My journey is slowly ending, everything is beautiful through my eye. I am beautiful. I leave this legacy to my daughters, granddaughters and future generations of granddaughters."
Aunty Sherree Francis
Hepburn U3A
Thankyou to U3A Hepburn and Daylesford Neighbourhood Centre for supporting our Daylesford workshop, and photographer Chris Franklin for the beautiful images. Thanks also to the Ballarat Courier for covering this project.
Thankyou to U3A Hepburn and Daylesford Neighbourhood Centre for supporting our Daylesford workshop, and photographer Chris Franklin for the beautiful images. Thanks also to the Ballarat Courier for covering this project.
Brimbank City Council
Congratulations to Brimbank City Council for their beautiful #OldisBeautiful project and Steven Pam for the wonderful photos. Congratulations also on a story in Star Weekly and Australian Leisure Management.
Congratulations to Brimbank City Council for their beautiful #OldisBeautiful project and Steven Pam for the wonderful photos. Congratulations also on a story in Star Weekly and Australian Leisure Management.
Maroondah City Council
Thanks to Richard Joseph and the team at the Maroondah City Council for hosting a pilot workshop and to photographer Suzanne Phoenix for these beautiful images. We love seeing Aunty Sherree's image on posters around Melbourne and Michelle's photo on the front cover of The Senior newspaper.
Thanks to Richard Joseph and the team at the Maroondah City Council for hosting a pilot workshop and to photographer Suzanne Phoenix for these beautiful images. We love seeing Aunty Sherree's image on posters around Melbourne and Michelle's photo on the front cover of The Senior newspaper.
Thanks to the journalists who cover the project - your contribution to combatting ageism is greatly appreciated. Thanks to:
Thankyou to everyone who supported the launch of the #OldisBeautiful Kit on Ageism in March 2024. You can watch the video recording of the launch below.
More information
The #OldisBeautiful project is an initiative developed by Celebrate Ageing Ltd, a charity combatting ageism and building respect for older people. If you would like more information about the project, please contact us using the details below