Sheroes is a project helping older women find their strength and build on it. It recognises some older women find a growing sense of empowerment as they age - that helps them to resist the ageist/sexist devaluing and disrespect that older women too often experience.
The #Sheroes project engages older women in discussion on everyday ageism/sexism they experience, and their strategies to protect themselves from it. The project is part peer support (older women supporting older women), part enlightenment (learning skills to spot and resist ageism/sexism) and part Appreciative Inquiry (documenting what works and sharing it with others).
The #Sheroes project engages older women in discussion on everyday ageism/sexism they experience, and their strategies to protect themselves from it. The project is part peer support (older women supporting older women), part enlightenment (learning skills to spot and resist ageism/sexism) and part Appreciative Inquiry (documenting what works and sharing it with others).
Celebrate Ageing is currently seeking partners for the Sheroes project in 2024. to participate in the following:
- Facilitating a discussion group for older women to explore their experiences of ageism/sexism
- Documenting older women's stories about what makes them strong
- Supporting older women to co-design a resource on sexism/ageism for their peers
- Taking portraits of older women as superheroes
- Sharing portraits of older women Sheroes with the community and older women more broadly.
Keep an eye on this section of the webpage for photos and stories from the project.
Strong Older Women is part of the #OlderWomenCount Program, an initiative of Celebrate Ageing Ltd and the Older Women's Network NSW.
Contact us
For more information about the project contact coordinator Dr Catherine Barrett on 0429 582 237 or [email protected]