The Kitchen Table
The Kitchen Table is the heart of many families. It is a gathering place where hungry mouths are fed, hearts are nurtured, relationships are built and meaning is made. The Kitchen Table is also where many of us first met an older person and learn about their value in our lives and the world. Every family has its own kitchen table culture which influences the way the table is set, the food it carries, the people who sit at it, and the conversations that teach generations about what is acceptable and what is not.
The Kitchen Table is a multigenerational project gathering stories about respect for older people in families. These stories about 'what works' (appreciative inquiry) highlight the opportunity for cross cultural learning about respect - to help change ageist cultural values and prevent ageism and Elder Abuse by families.
The Kitchen Table is a multigenerational project gathering stories about respect for older people in families. These stories about 'what works' (appreciative inquiry) highlight the opportunity for cross cultural learning about respect - to help change ageist cultural values and prevent ageism and Elder Abuse by families.
How to participate
In early 2014 we will be launching a kit for facilitators who want to host a Kitchen Table project.
Click on the Kitchen Table portraits below to read about the families and what respect for older people means to them.
Thankyou to the O'Neill-Marshall Family for sharing their story about respect on film. Thanks also to film maker Chris Franklin from Franklin Image for the beautiful film - and the National LGBTI Health Alliance for supporting the film.
Kitchen Table is an initiative of Celebrate Ageing and was launched with the support of Elder Rights Advocacy. We would also like to thank the National LGBTI Health Alliance for their support of our first film. If you would like more information about this project please contact Dr Catherine Barrett using the information in the footer.